The inner workings of my mind + process
Everything is Energy: The Power of Energetic Resonance to Attract what you Desire
Our energy attracts our experience through resonance. How we treat ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually determines our energetic frequency. Our life experiences are determined by what we bring into our lives by the choices we make.
Making my own F*cking path
If you're reading this, you're one of the firsts & I love you for it. It's been a leap for me to start this thing. Mentally it's been in the works for years without me really knowing it was going to become this blog.
How to Shift the Subconscious fear of Starting and align with your Creative Genius
Whether it's the first page or middle of the book, if you feel stuck, try scribbling or doodling without restraint. Use it as a creative meditation, moving stuck energy or clearing the fog, allowing room for your creative genius within to be unleashed.