Making my own F*cking path

If you're reading this, you're reading one of the first blog posts I’ve published & I love you for it. It's been a leap for me to start with it mentally it's been in the works for years, but not knowing it would come to here. 

I'm that, somewhat annoyingly, positive and passionate person who’s always trying to make you see the bright side. I'm a fashion designer and artist who has suppressed her natural persona for far too long. I recently quit a job that on paper was my dream job, but in reality was a horribly toxic environment. Working a job that was making me mentally ill gave me the last bit of courage I needed to take the leap & follow my heart and soul calling, instead of my mind and the external echo chamber.

I anticipate that listening to my heart will lead me down many different paths pursuing my endless interests. Yeah, I’m one of those - multi-passionates. I aim to live life fully and do it my own way, out of the box. F*ck the box! I'm folding it up and recycling it. Save the environment, one metaphorical, societal expectation box at a time! Hopefully, one day, that box will turn into someone else’s dream, maybe even a Spaceship to fly them to the moon! Come on, Dream big; It's only impossible if you think it is. 

Life is not meant to be lived inside the borders laid out for us by society, so I invite you to take your journey as I take mine; a journey to live a life of passion and purpose, the one you are being called to from within. Forget that kindergarten teacher who so mightily tried to get you to colour in the lines. I'm here to show you that you can and must follow your own path, or better yet...

Make your own!

My path has been a heart-led, zig-zagging, head-knocking, stumbling one, but one that's taught me a lifetime of lessons. I learned about myself and the world along with some amazing f*cking woo-woo energy sh*t that makes it all tremendously worthwhile.

Almost all of my values and beliefs have gone through wild transformations, giving me a complete mind, body, soul makeover. I’ve transformed from being led by my external environment to being led by my soul. I’m turning down the volume of my mind, ego, and fears that have continually kept me small, & instead am giving the spotlight to my heart, soul and intuition.

Finding something I am passionate about has never been hard, actually my struggle has been reigning my passion in. My interests, new and old have a Mr. Hyde-like effect of taking over my life, without the violence; I'm a lover not a fighter. When I become interested in something, I throw myself at it completely. My true Sagittarius, mani-gen nature causes me to skip from one interest to the next and back again, often leaving me scattered. I've tried to dedicate myself to one major goal, but my rebellious nature makes me fight the concentrated effort and push to be curious, wander and explore. 

This blog is about delivering the insights and fruit of my journey. I am here to evolve and grow, and in doing so, I help others do the same. I am not creating rigidity around this blog, because as soon as I do, I will fight it. What you can expect is that the direction will always be aligned with my values - in living a passion-led, conscious, fulfilling and thriving life.

Consciously speaking, I believe we are all one. There’s a universal energy we were created from that continues to pulse through us. That energy is something you can tap into, for insights and power, plugging in your energy to source much like you plug your phone in to charge or update. Because we're all connected to this energy source, we can connect to anything that is also connected (which is everything). We can connect to the earth, nature and to people regardless of distance. Sounds crazy?

Most of us have been raised on the idea that we are all separate, and that we should act for our personal prosperity. Prosper or Perish? Living a conscious life means living a life that goes beyond your own welfare and considers the welfare of all and our environment. We can all thrive if we stop fighting our natural state. With that said, we carry trauma, individually, generationally, collectively. It is Trauma that isolates us, and until we heal ourselves and each other, we will continue living in this disconnected existence. What can you do to leave this life in a better place than you entered it? 

My soul calls me to express my creativity to help empower and help people live their own purpose and dreams as their most authentic selves. To help heal people’s inner child and wounds keeping them from being their fullest selves.

I love to pass on the knowledge I’ve been granted though my journey. I see so much potential and good in the world, but we need is to shift our collective perspective to see the world in a different light. We all have a choice of how we see the world - a difference between rose-colored glasses and shit-stained glasses. We live in a world that fuels and enables victim consciousness aka lack or scarcity mindset. We need to shift this to gratitude and opportunity.

With your choice of perspective, lies your decision of what you will bring into your life and what you will contribute to the world. Looking at the world through negative eyes will only bring more negativity into your life. I want to show you how changing your perspective will change your environment. 

Miracles do exist, and for some, they witness and experience them everyday. It’s all about whether your radio dial is tuned to see lack or abundance.

My mission is to create and spread gratitude, happiness, joy, creativity, passion and purpose, while living my own passion and purpose. If that sounds cool with you, stay tuned. It'll be a wild one, because honestly speaking, I'm not sure what will come out of this. 

Always love, 



Everything is Energy: The Power of Energetic Resonance to Attract what you Desire


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