Everything is Energy: The Power of Energetic Resonance to Attract what you Desire

The recognition that everything is energy is not a passing trend; it's a fundamental, undeniable truth of our universe. It isn't some esoteric, mystical concept, but rooted in robust scientific theory with life-altering implications. From the solid chair beneath you to the transient thoughts racing through your mind, all is a manifestation of energy. This energy, forever vibrating and oscillating at different rates, forms an interconnected web that links us all at the quantum level.

The Science behind “Everything is Energy”

The cornerstone for understanding “Everything is energy” was developed in the early 20th century with Albert Einstein's monumental E=mc^2 equation. This universally recognized equation asserts that energy (E) is equivalent to mass (m) times the speed of light (c) squared.

The profound revelation here is that mass and energy are not separate entities; they are interchangeable manifestations of the same thing. When we look at matter down to its smallest particles like atoms and subatomic particles, we're ultimately left with pure energy. This transformative understanding has led us to the undeniable truth that our physical reality is an intricate, pulsating ballet of energy.

Quantum physics takes this revolutionary concept a step further. It suggests that this energy isn't merely mechanically vibrating but creating infinite waves of probability that extend endlessly. This limitless energy field, known as the quantum field, is the starting point where the law of attraction begins to resonate. It implies that our person, as energy, forever mingles with this universal energy field to shape our reality.

Your Aura & Energetic Frequncy

Your Aura is what connects you to other people and your environment. It is determined by your energy and dictates how you and your external environment interact, living and non-living. We are constantly in an energetic exchange with our surroundings. If you could see social interactions through energy fields, you'd see two people's energy fields feeding in and out of each other, sometimes in harmony and sometimes disharmoniously in the case of ‘energy vampires’.

To help you understand each of us having an energetic presence - Think of a time when you felt someone come into a room before your sensory perception could validate they had - what did it feel like? Often it is because their energy feels so different - either much higher or lower than yours.

We are all interconnected. Each one of us has our own unique energy field, but we all come from the same divine source of energy that created the universe. This interconnected field gives us the ability to tune into other people's energies across distances. Have you ever thought of someone then a minute later they call? That was your energy in communication before your physical communication. When you are tuned into energy or the quantum field, you get a feeling of being a part of the universe, of everything, your being is one of pure love and vibrates at a high frequency.

Energetic Resonance and the Law of Attraction

Energetic resonance is the concept that our energetic frequency, the speed at which our energy vibrates, attracts our experience or reality. This is the essence of the Law of Attraction.

If you're operating at a low frequency—embodying feelings of grief, anger, or envy—you're more likely to magnetize situations that mirror those emotions. On the other hand, if you’re resonating at a high frequency—exuding happiness, positivity, and gratitude—you're more likely to attract positive situations that reflect these emotions. Like attracts like.

Our energy attracts our experience and people to match. How we treat ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually determines our energetic frequency. Our life experiences are not that of chance, our experiences and reality are manifested by us. We determine what we attract by the choices we make. Life does not happen to us, we create it; our outer experience reflects our inner state. You are at the helm of your life, holding all the power to change and shape your reality by making intentional positive changes you want to see in your external environment internally first.

Positive thoughts and feelings, and healthy habits support a bright, high-frequency aura.

Fear, negativity and unhealthy choices or ‘quick fixes’ that give you a spike of stimulation or dopamine, then leave you drained such as food indulgences, alcohol, drugs and overstimulating social experiences, have a lower vibrational frequency, leaving us feeling drained, blocked, and can cloud or darken your aura. This is because you’re seeking energy externally, and as soon as the source is gone you’re left in deficit.

Our society, centred around capitalism, is based on a scarcity mindset, telling us to look outside of ourselves to enforce blame and help change our reality, when in actuality, the external is created by our internal, not the other way around. Our external reality is a mirror to our internal self; the things we see in other people are often the things we need to see and change in ourselves; the judgements we make of people and the world tell us more about ourselves and our personal beliefs than it will ever tell us of someone else; The things we get most frustrated about seeing it the world around us are often the things we need to work on in ourselves.

There is no good or bad when it comes to energy, high and low-frequency energy do not correlate to good and bad in the sense that society has taught us. Energy exists in polarity or duality - we only know light by knowing darkness, we only know cold through also understanding hot. Life is never all love and light - personal and spiritual evolution only happens by confronting and facing your darkness.

Mastering Energetic Resonance to Manifest Your Desires

The realization that shifting our energetic frequency can change our reality is not only empowering, it's highly transformative. It suggests that we have dominion over our experiences and can proactively elevate our vibration to attract what we desire. With that empowerment comes ultimate accountability, which can be insanely scary. We all have a comfort zone our brain has created to protect us, to make the shifts necessary to change requires us to disassemble our belief system and the programming our subconscious mind operates on.

When talking about our frequency or resonance, it’s important to note we are fluid beings, changing and shifting constantly. Your frequency can shift day to day, hour to hour, depending on what is taking place in your life and how you respond to it. The key is our response - the same people can go through the same scenario and all respond differently. It is our response that ultimately determines our frequency.


The first step in understanding and changing our reality is to audit where we’re at. For an energetic audit, we need to become cognizant of our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Our thoughts and emotions orchestrate our vibrational tone, while our beliefs are the programming our subconscious mind runs on. It is vital to observe them without judgment so we can in turn start consciously selecting thoughts, retraining beliefs and shifting our actions that amplify our vibration.

Practices in Mindfulness

  1. Meditation - if it seems hard, this is where you should start. Even if you struggle to quiet your mind, by creating a consistent practice will slowly shift and become more mindful. A good place to start is guided meditations

  2. Breathwork - Quiet the mind by activating bodily awareness

  3. Flow journalling - don’t erase or delete, just write, even if it’s garbage. We’re not trying to create art, but learn the inner monologue of the mind.

  4. Art - particularly mindless doodling, scribbling or abstract painting

  5. Movement - yoga, somatic exercises, walking, running


Unconditional love and gratitude form the essence of the highest vibrational states humans can hold. Cultivating a perspective of gratitude is one of the simplest and most profound ways to significantly boost your vibration. Gratitude shifts your focus from scarcity to abundance, priming you to receive more of what you cherish.

  1. Do a daily gratitude practice of writing 10 things you’re grateful for and why

  2. Create a gratitude map based on life areas

  3. When you’re looking for a significant shift, write out 100 things you’re grateful for and why

Beliefs and Affirmations

The words we tell ourselves wield a potent influence on our vibration. Positive affirmations can help rewire our subconscious mind and align our vibration with the energy of our desired manifestation. Through mindfulness we can determine the thoughts and beliefs we carry that aren’t serving us, from here we can replace them with intentional beliefs. Telling ourselves “I don’t believe that anymore” does not work, instead we decide what we believe instead, so every time a belief comes up we have something to replace it with shifting to “I choose to believe ___ instead”. To reprogram your mind, repeat your intentional beliefs to yourself daily or regularly until that becomes your response.

  1. Keep a list, spreadsheet or notion database of intentional beliefs

  2. Do daily affirmations for 30 days and journal how you experience your mindset shift.


The practice of visualizing and emotionally connecting with our desired reality can help synchronize our energy with that specific vibrational frequency. The more vividly we can envision and feel our desired manifestation, the more potent the energetic attraction. There is a reason professional athletes visualize their shot and games ahead of time, you do it enough in your mind before it actually happens your programming takes over and responds as you’ve trained it to. Beyond that, you’ve communicated to the quantum field that this is where you are going and it responds, shaping your reality.

  1. Create vibration boards to help you visualize

  2. Do guided meditations for visualization

  3. Write your visualizations in great detail like your writing a novel of your future life, for you to experience as an audience or reader would. Tap into the emotions you feel and sensory experience to be able to embody your visualizations.

Take Aligned Action

Lastly, but most importantly, taking aligned or inspired action toward our desires is paramount. This doesn't imply forcing outcomes, but rather taking steps when we feel a magnetic or intuitive pull to do so. Inspired action feels effortless and will often make you feel ‘lit up’ or energized. Take the plan you developed through your practice of visualization, and start making moves. It’s important to remain flexible and not rigid in your plans, opportunity has a way of rearing its head to challenge our fluidity as much as give us opportunity. What is one step you can take today to bring you closer in alignment with your highest self or deepest soul-led desires.

Everything is ENERGY. Your thoughts begin it, your emotions amplify it & your actions increase its momentum.

Understanding that everything is energy offers a profound insight into our interconnectedness with the universe and our potential to shape our reality. By consciously modulating our vibrational frequency, we can leverage the law of attraction to manifest our dream life. Remember, the energy we radiate is the energy we attract. So, let's commit to maintaining high vibrations and attracting a reality overflowing with positivity, joy, and fulfillment.




With love always,



Sydney Evans | Artist Story: from adolescent dream to spiritual journey


Making my own F*cking path